Mae’r safle’n meddu ar gyflenwadau haearn a glo helaeth a chyfrannodd hynny’n sylweddol at y chwyldro diwydiannol a thu hwnt, hyd at ganol yr ugeinfed ganrif. Cyn hynny, roedd y tir yn safle pwysig yn y cyfnod pan oedd ymneilltuaeth grefyddol ar droed yng Nghymru.
Mae olion arwyddocaol o’r hanes hwnnw wedi’u gwasgaru ar draws y safle. Yn anffodus, mae rhai o’r rhain wedi diraddio a diflannu, a dyna pam mai ein datblygiad yn canolbwyntio ar sicrhau bod yr henebion allweddol hyn yn cael eu hadfer a’u gwarchod er mwynhad y cenedlaethau i ddyfod.
Rydym wedi gweithio gyda CADW i gofrestru chwech o henebion eraill ar y safle, a’n huchelgais yw galluogi pobl i brofi a deall pwysigrwydd hanesyddol y tir a’i gyfraniad at stori ehangach Merthyr.
Historic spots.
The proposed scheduled monument comprises the earth and stone work remains of a large pond and associated former leat.
The Cyfarthfa canal level monument consists of two sections of the former Cyfarthfa canal including an entrance to a mining level.
The building dates from the 1820 - 1840s and originally supported a very tall square stack (as depicted in the historic photograph) situated to the south of the engine house at the Cwm Pit Colliery.
The Vale of Neath Railway cutting and tunnel portal comprises a cutting into bedrock, that once carried a single broad-gauge railway track, and an entrance arch into a tunnel that carried the railway under Aberdare Mountain for approximately 2495 yards.
The scheduled monument comprises the remains of Cwm Glo Chapel. The chapel was one of the earliest non-conformists chapels in South Wales.
The scheduled monument comprises the remains of Cwm Pit coal mine and the head of the Cwm Pit Railway. Cwm Pit is one of the larger mining complexes within the site, with some of the best preserved upstanding remains.
The Cwm Du Air Shaft and Fan consists of a mechanical colliery ventilation fan and shaft associated with 19th and 20th century mine workings at Cwm Du.
The proposed schedule monument comprises an area containing the remains of former iron stone workings, at a location known as the Black Pins.
The proposed scheduled monument at Cwm Glo Pit (Also known as Robbin's Pit) consists of the core area related to mining operations at Cwm Glo.
Treuliwch 2 funud i gwblhau ein harolwg cyhoeddus
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